a poem on friendship & its impossible questions
One of my favorite postings! What beautiful ponderings 🥹💕
This is the third or fourth time I’ve come back to read this. It gets better each time ♥️
this got me teary. thank you!
Delightful reading your work. 🩷
Ginger, thank you—and I'm so glad you're here!
Perfectly vivid and perfectly fitting! (like that denim jacket hidden somewhere in the back of my own closet)
OOOH I think it's time to bust that thing out, Ed! Maybe for the '25 Cultivate Retreat.
Let's Go!! Pardon my dust.
I love this so much! I love how you put to words these deep ideas that we also ponder.
Reba, thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only one who ponders these things!
So sweet. I love this and feel this. So perfect for this day.
How are not renowned already?? Hold on tight, it's coming! ❤️
One of my favorite postings! What beautiful ponderings 🥹💕
This is the third or fourth time I’ve come back to read this. It gets better each time ♥️
this got me teary. thank you!
Delightful reading your work. 🩷
Ginger, thank you—and I'm so glad you're here!
Perfectly vivid and perfectly fitting! (like that denim jacket hidden somewhere in the back of my own closet)
OOOH I think it's time to bust that thing out, Ed! Maybe for the '25 Cultivate Retreat.
Let's Go!! Pardon my dust.
I love this so much! I love how you put to words these deep ideas that we also ponder.
Reba, thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only one who ponders these things!
So sweet. I love this and feel this. So perfect for this day.
How are not renowned already?? Hold on tight, it's coming! ❤️